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Hi, I'm Nessa and I'm so grateful that you're interested enough in finding out more about me and my passion.


I've had the pleasure of working in fashion retail since 1996, and opened my first business in 2001. A tiny little hat shop, where women would come and I would make them hats to match their outfits. Buying a hat was something that they didn't do every day, or even every year, so most customers were very far out of their comfort zone. And it was my job to make them see, that despite their claims that "hats don't suit me", there was in fact a hat that looked amazing on them. All they needed was the confidence to pull it off. 

In 2010 I was lucky enough to add to my love of retail and took over a fashion boutique, and then the real dream was realised. I could now dress them from head to toe. 

However, I very quickly learnt that the lack of confidence wasn't something that was just reserved for headwear, there were lots of customers afraid of clothing too. Unsure of what suited them, feeling like they'd lost their mojo etc and don't get me started on all the negative things they had to say about their bodies. I was shocked. Having had a very confident mother who instilled confidence in me too, I didn't really know that this was such a widespread issue. And I suppose I've made it my mission ever since to try and help women see themselves for what they are; unique, gorgeous, works of art, regardless of their size or shape. 


I want you to be unapologetically you.

There is only one you, and fashion is a great way to uncover and express who you really are deep down. I want to pass on my love of fashion to you.

I want to help you find joy in your wardrobe and face your day with confidence, knowing that no one is better than you.

I love that through this website and my course, I am able to take it a step further than the fitting room and virtually help other women find their own unique beauty and style.

How can a zebra live a happy and fulfilled life feeling like a failed horse? 

It's time to embrace your own unique set of stripes.

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